2022 Small Business Roundtable Interest Survey

Thank you for your participation in the Small Business Round Table (SBRT) last year. In the short time we have been meeting, we’ve made new connections, shared information to help us run our businesses more effectively and created a foundation for future growth.  As the new year begins, we want to gauge your interest and commitment to the committee.


We are making some changes to the meetings – we will change to a monthly meeting schedule.  In addition, the structure of the meetings will include a speaker to briefly share information about topics of interest to the group followed by some time to brainstorm on any specific issues and time to get to know each other better to encourage referrals.


To ensure the SBRT is a valuable experience for all, we are asking round table members to commit to attend at least 75% of our monthly meetings over the year (at least nine meetings). Please complete the questions below by January 14, 2021.