Make It In Union County Interest

Make It In Union County Logo

Make It in Union County is a grassroots effort, expanded this year to the entire month of October, to increase awareness of the positive impact manufacturers have on our community and to promote manufacturing as a top career choice. Our goal is to increase awareness among students, parents, and educators – that today’s manufacturing field is a great place to work, with excellent career opportunities and high-paying jobs.

There are several ways local organizations can participate. 

Guest Speakers in Schools

Middle School Speakers Bureau Charlotte Pipe presenter in classroom

The Make It in Union County  Speakers will introduce students and educators to the great careers in manufacturing.

Speakers from local business and industry spend time in the classroom sharing information about their business, career opportunities, education requirements to work in their business, salary ranges, and more.

Last year’s student survey results showed 94% of the students learned new information about the companies and the career opportunities available to them from these presentations.

Speakers will be in a variety of classrooms across Union County Public School middle and high schools during the month of October.

We request all speakers attend a training session on September 18 from 8:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. at the Chamber.

Daytime Field Trips for Students

MIddle School student tour of Goulston Technologies
We support efforts to build an ongoing talent pipeline through field trips with Union County Public Schools students. These tours allow manufacturers to showcase operations, which can generate enthusiasm for their company and the manufacturing industry.

Students get to see in-person what a career in manufacturing could look like, along with an up-close look at how operations work.

These tours take place during school time in the month of October. If you are interested in hosting a tour, a Career and Technical Education staff member from UCPS will follow up with you to help plan details. Due to school policies, these tours need to be scheduled by the middle of September.

Evening Open Houses

MIddle School student tour of Goulston Technologies
Part of the outreach for Make It In Union County includes educating parents about career opportunities for students. Local manufacturers can do this through Open House Tours.

Open House Tours typically take place after school hours and in the evenings and are open to the general public. It is a great opportunity to engage the community and inform them about the career opportunities available here in Union County.

These tours can be scheduled during the month of October.

If you are interested in hosting one of these tours, a Chamber member will reach out after you fill out the form to discuss details.

Make It In Union County Interest Sign-Up

If you are interested in participating in any of the Make It In Union County events listed above, please fill out the interest form.
A team member from the Chamber or UCPS will follow up.